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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Y! Alert: Yahoo! Answers: Politics & Government

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The latest from Yahoo! Answers: Politics & Government

Open Question: England is struggling with children pregnancy. England still remains the teen pregnancy capital of Europe.? Top
22/04/2010 The Sun received its data through a Freedom of Information request, finding that England is struggling with teen pregnancy. England still remains the teen pregnancy capital of Europe according to numbers by the World Health Organization. The numbers were as follows: 43.324 girls aged 10; 87.342 girls aged 11; 102.445 girls ages 12; 154.332 aged 13; 184.323 aged 14; and 206.555 aged 15. It was not clear how many of the pregnancies were carried out in full or aborted. so in England almost million children are pregnant before age of 15? is this normal?
Open Question: Is Africa Still England's Goldmine? ENGLAND: Still Africa's Thief? Top
Britain never misses an opportunity to declare how much it is trying to help Africa develop – to provide aid and trade. However, on this week's Big Story we will ask whether these declarations are nothing but outright lies. Furthermore we will ask whether instead of trying to help Africa develop, Britain's policies are principally set up to steal Africa's wealth for itself. Critics argue that Britain's Department for International Development or DFID is an Orwellian term for an organisation that purports to help countries develop but instead attempts to privatise overseas industries taking potential profits from the people of that country and instead giving them to Western Countries. It is also claimed that aid is given on the basis of how much a country submits to British wishes. For example, recently, Tanzania was promised an increase in aid on the agreement that it bought a multi million pound military radar installation it didn't need. We will also look at which Britain's involvement in Nigeria, helping to defend oil interests against the wishes of the people and in supporting nasty regimes who do as Britain wishes. In short we will challenge one of the biggest lies in the world today. Does England want to help Africa or instead, steal all its wealth for itself?
Open Question: If you dont know England its country in the west 10 years old pregnant kids theyre english theyre the best? Top
22/04/2010 The Sun received its data through a Freedom of Information request, finding that England is struggling with teen pregnancy. England still remains the teen pregnancy capital of Europe according to numbers by the World Health Organization. The numbers were as follows: 43.324 girls aged 10; 87.342 girls aged 11; 102.445 girls ages 12; 154.332 aged 13; 184.323 aged 14; and 206.555 aged 15. It was not clear how many of the pregnancies were carried out in full or aborted.
Open Question: ex PM Gordon Brown is going to Africa he says with Aid. What this time England is planning to steal? Top
Open Question: Britannia the end. but please no England dont be so scared dont hide in your cave just morons hide? Top
Open Question: If your Employee said there Gran Died, Would You ask them to work? Top
My 93 yr old gran died, i was at work at lunch when i heard. I arrive back at lunch at 1am go straight to personal manager and say my nana died. She says sorry, i go to put on my jacket i say can you tell dave my boss in my department i get up to leave. She say what time you working till? i say 2am. She said you ok to work? am shocked and emotional i just say ok. I met claire my mate in my department she says you ok sorry to hear about your gran. I say yeah she says you not going home she shocked? i say no i tell her be quite personal office door opened. I go back to work like a zombie for the hour, is this wrong what personal manager did?. I only had an hour of work left yet she wanted me to work? Fell it disrespected my grans memory.
Open Question: is there any website or place near lincoln that sell combat gear bigger then 180/112? Top
the biggest combat jacket/shirt i can fine is 180/112 but that's 2 small can anyone help please thank you
Open Question: OK if Nero was alive today, what country and political party would he be involved with? Top
Open Question: What the hell is with this cigarette law? Top
It's legal to smoke cigarettes under the age of 18, within juristiction of smoking laws. Like no smoking indoors and what not. But it's illegal to go out and buy them from a shop? So basicly your encourging us to:- -Talk to some dodgy underground people for a fake ID (Got one, im 14 and it mostly works haha) -Get some friends or RANDOM STRANGERS to go in and buy them for us. -Steal the prodcts, which i know in a few areas are not behind counters. and on shelves. So wouldn't it just be safer to legalize the purchase of cigarettes to persons under the age of 18? You could get like a card or something that limits your daily, or weekly purchase or something. Beacause in my experiences and the experiences of hundreds around me, if we have a craving, were going to satisfy it one way or another...
Open Question: The Queen of England will be for sale in a few days would you pay more than 30 ? 50 pence? Top
Open Question: Do you think a spot of Imperialism would make world wide politics more interesting? Top
we have proved democratic governments are corrupt, why not go back to the good old days, with just a few families kicking some butt.
Open Question: Good News! The Queen of England is for sale!!!! would you like to buy her bit of use and than resale it again? Top
Open Question: Would it be a good deal to exchange The Queen of England for a new bicycle? Top
Open Question: If America is better than Africa why than England is worse than Antarctica? Top
Open Question: If the Queen of England and Osama bin Laden had a sex Would the world terrorism was THE END!!!!? Top
Open Question: Americans are crazy theyre fighting for their dreams We're England we fight for our 10 years old pregnant k? Top
Open Question: Can you juggle ARMY Reserves and School at the same time? Has anyone done it? Top
I'm leaving for the Army soon, and will be missing two semesters because of basic training and ait. Is it possible after i'm done with basic and ait, to do both the army and school at the same time? I want to serve my country and earn a college degree as well. Please help. Thanks.
Open Question: Can I work another job I had a Work Permit? Top
Hi all, I had a business and commercial work permit, can I work another job along with my existing job even for the part time ? or I have to be stuck with my current employer, If I can then what tax code should be apply is it BR or normal one, please advice thanks Talal
Open Question: Will the Conservative Party and part of the Lib Dem party merge? Top
Do you think that the Liberal Democrat Party will split and the Liberal part of it will be absorbed into the Conservative Party, while the SDP part of it re-joins Labour or stays as a seperate party? It is not as simple as "most Lib Dem votes are Labour tactical ones". Some were yes, but many Lib Dem supporters are libertarians who would choose the Tories over Labour. Dave and Nick seem more comfortable with each other than their own parties so I wouldn't be too suprised if they merged into the "Liberal Conservative Party" or something or perhaps the "Conservative Democrats".
Open Question: ive had my license revoked what exactly does this mean? am i banned or can i put in for my test straight awa? Top
i just want to know a little more of the aftermath of having ur license revoked. how much wll my insurane go up by? can i put in for my test again straight away? what do i do nxt?
Open Question: how old do you have to be to become a door supervisor? Top
hi just want to know what the ages is for door supervisor, i thought it was 18 but someone told me it was 21 so not to sure what it is now lol.
Open Question: The UK could soon be the Second Melting Pot? Top
I'm 17 from UK, there is so much immigration There are many many parts of London that could be mistaken for other countries. Other ethnic groups are now 10% of the population and growing fast. Although not on the same scale as the US Is the UK the 2nd most ethnically diverse Developed nation? Look it up Paul 10% as of 2001
Open Question: Do most women in American Politics get criticized more than men? Top
Such as Hillary and Sarah? idk it is so easy to make fun of women maybe that's part of it Like Obama takes more heat than Sarah Palin But they aren't equals power-wise. Hillary Clinton took more heat than Dick Cheney, and he was VP
Open Question: is it possible to lie about asthma when joining the Royal Marines? Top
I know all the rules about being symptom free for four years without any prescriptions in that period. My problem is i've always smoked, a lot and I've had one prescription in the last 4 years about 1 year ago for an inhaler as a result. I've since given up smoking and physically I'm as fit as I can be. I run a mile in about 6 mins 15 seconds on average. I run 3-4 miles a day, every day. I do 80 press ups in 2 minutes, 100 situps in 2 minutes and can do 20 full over hand pull ups at relative ease. Physically I have no problems and I know I will pass the PRMC. I need to understand the actual process of the medical to see whether I can actually lie. I'm considering going to the doctor to ask if I can be cleared of asthma but I don't think they will do that as it means admitting they have wrongly prescribed.
Open Question: Left wing or Right wing? Top
I want to know whether I am a believer in left or right wing politics? I believe in Socialism, I don't believe in multiculturalism, I believe in citizens owning firearms, I believe in Free speech (Even when radical Muslim arseholes rant against the UK and their holy Jihad, bastards). I believe the BNP and UKIP have some very good points, I believe in stem cell research, abortion, capitol punishment. So am I a left wing? Or a Right wing? I've actually read "Mein Kempf". Strange reading the world of Hitler. @So What: Multi-Culturalism is different to a mix of ethnicities, I would of hoped you understood that as it is clearley stated in the titles of the two.
Open Question: Gran died and my boss ask if i ok to work an hour, isnt that horrible? Top
My 93 yr old gran died, i was at work at lunch when i heard. I arrive back at lunch at 1am go straight to personal manager and say my nana died. She says sorry, i go to put on my jacket i say can you tell dave my boss in my department i get up to leave. She say what time you working till? i say 2am. She said you ok to work? am shocked and emotional i just say ok. I met claire my mate in my department she says you ok sorry to hear about your gran. I say yeah she says you not going home she shocked? i say no i tell her be quite personal office door opened. I go back to work like a zombie for the hour, is this wrong what personal manager did?. I only had an hour of work left yet she wanted me to work? Fell it disrespected my grans memory.
Open Question: How are British Territorial Army soldiers paid? Top
Are they paid an annual sum or are you only paid when required on deployment? I was confused by the website.
Open Question: Americans are crazy theyre fighting for their dreams We're England we fight for our 10 years old pregnant kids? Top
Open Question: Was the Hawker Hurricane a final development of the Hawker Fury of 1931? Top
I am aware that the Fury was a biplane and the Hurricane a monoplane
Open Question: The Queen of England will be for sale in two days would you pay more than 50 pence? Top
Open Question: Police Muslim forum headed by Islamic extremist, is it a good choice? Top
"An Islamic extremist who has described al-Qaeda as a "myth" and justified the killing of British troops in Iraq has been chosen as the main link between the Metropolitan Police and the Muslim community." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/andrew-gilligan/7908273/Police-Muslim-forum-headed-by-Islamic-extremist.html
Open Question: Britannia no more no more again. No England you dont need to hide in our little cave dont be scared no afraid? Top
Open Question: How many Hawker Hurricanes are still in existence and how many are in flying condition? Top
This aircraft did/does not have the grace of the Spitfire but was a tough aeroplane which could cope with a lot of damage and shot more aircraft down during the Battle of britain then the Spitfire. mainly because there were more of them.
Open Question: Would I need some sort of proof of citizenship if I wanted to live in Italy longer than 3 months? Top
My mother is Italian. Every year I get a letter through the door asking me to vote for the next elections (even though I live in Ireland) I am assuming this means I am an Italian citizen? How could I find out and would I need anything to prove it just in case or should I be alright? I'm not sure how it all works I know the simple answer is just ask my mother but she's passed away! I would ring the embassy but I am currently living in NYC and want to avoid the phone bill :) Thanks for any help. I know it's a bit of a silly question :)
Open Question: which war were the battles of Bunker Hill and Brandywine Creek fought? Top
Open Question: i received a court citation due to being 1 day late paying a fine? Top
after being caught not wearing a seat belt in a works transit van which has no rear seats. I have to tick a box on a form to plead guilty or not guilty then send form back. However charges says that I was in rear seat of a car (vehicle registration is stated in charge) so this is simply not true. Also charge states seat belt was found to be in working order but was never checked. What do I do?
Open Question: Should i join the RAF? Top
Huge question but please read Im stuck!!! Ok so Im in turmoil!! About 7 years ago I went to my local AFCO interested in joining the RAF. Back then I was not mature enough (or at least I didnt FEEL mature enough) to go ahead with joining up but recently have been thinking about it again. I have no ties (apart from pets which I can sort) and im 29 in November. Im going through a "what am I doing with my life" phase and I want a goal for myself rather than following other peoples (which Ive done for a long time). My concerns are the following - Having to move where and when you are told and resettlement after leaving. I was married to a Sergeant in ATC for a few years and lived on base so I know the lifestyle. That doesnt wrory me too much but Id just like to hear whether people who were worried about living away from home got used to it or whether it was a bad choice for them. I think Id definitely go in as an Officer (I wouldnt want to earn less than Im on now as it would defeat the object to me) either ATC or admin. Big questions - Is wanting more money enough of a reason to join the RAF? Dont get me wrong Id be so proud to be part of something so worthwhile I just mean that is my main reason by far. What are the options after leaving? Not clever enough for NATS so I dont think thats an option for me in particular. And the most important - Im not the most confident person (to say the least) - Is it likely to bring me out of my shell or just terrify me??? Also am i too old??!!! Thanks so much xx Haha.. I do worry lots you got me in one!!! thanks xx
Open Question: Who has legal right to put house up for sale with estate agents? Top
I recently signed an estate agent contract which has tied me into a 26 week sole agency period. However, I am not the owner of the house, my husband is. It is his name on the deeds and the mortgage. His signature is not on this contract. Does this mean it is legally void?
Open Question: Statistically during a fight or a mugging how likely are you to die re defending yourself!? Top
Should you be afraid of death if you fight back against a mugger druggie or chav or is that unlikely?
Open Question: What Would The World Be Like If The Nazi's And There Supporting Army's Would Have Won The War In WWII? Top
Open Question: Would this be a sensible policy to increase food sustainability, cut CO2 and help the third world develop? Top
Convert 12% of farmland in the UK into 90% woodland and 10% housing. This would build roughly 3.8 million houses and add another 560,000 hectares of forest, increasing the amount of woodland by 56%, cutting our carbon footprint by 8% and generally improving the environment. Then use the Foreign Aid budget to build farms in the developing world by buying licenses of the governments there. We can then use the food grown in this otherwise unused but productive land to feed our population and increase food sustainability. If needs be, we can use UK troops to protect these farms, though this may be unnecessary as we should try to get the foreign governments to control crime. It would benefit the countries as they would have their rate of growth increased and unemployment decreased. And just to clear one thing out the way, Africa is not all barren and unfertile. It has 28% of all the worlds arable land, more than any other continent, even Asia. The reason it is not very productive is that it is poorly run by corrupt governments. Prime examples are Sudan, Congo, Zimbabwe and South Africa. As for cost, if housing could be done by the private sector it would not only cost nothing, it would increase tax revenues, possibly offsetting the costs of the rest of the policy. The cost for land in other countries ought not to be much and the cost of setting up farms would be a few million for each farm, but overall not much in comparison to the government budget as a whole. Planting forests may be rather expensive though, however as it is such a large project there may be significant interest in allowing people or companies to sponsor it and receive naming rights in exchange. Any criticisms? Any improvements? I believe all my facts are correct. Better yet, bump this and comment on it if you want to see it passed or scrutinised :) http://yourfreedom.hmg.gov.uk/cutting-business-and-third-sector-regulations/how-to-reform-the-foreign-aid-to-better-help-the-third-world-develop-increase-food-security-reduce-co2-increase-forest-cover-in-the-uk-and-build-cheap-and-affordable-houses-for-british-people-3/idea-view
Open Question: How long would someone get in prison for trying to kill their husband after cheating? (simple answer please!)? Top
Ok, so here's the scenario: A man has cheated on his wife for three or so years. So then, in a hissy fit, the wife repeatedly hits him with a microwave. The man gets some head injuries but nothing lasting. The man and woman have two kids and the man wants to move to the UK from the USA to live with his new fiancee and the woman has to look after the two kids (ages 17 and 14). So how long would this woman go to prison? THIS IS NOT REAL!! i am writing a story, and i need the minor details. and if this happened in USA. just give me a number of years, k?
Open Question: A question about immigration in London? Top
Do you reckon in London in about 20 years time White people will be the minority? I've lived in various places in London all my life and the last 5years (certainly) you walk down any high street it feels like there are more non-Whites than Whites. The majority of school age kids come from non-Whire backgrounds. So what do you reckon, will non-Whites be the minority in 20 years time??
Open Question: How long do I get to change my driving license after arriving in the UK? Top
I am a British citizen who moved to Spain many years ago and as I was living there I had to change my full UK driving license to a Spanish one. I have now returned home. How long can I legally drive on the Spanish/European license before changing it back to the UK one ?
Open Question: Was there a military advantage at Valley Forge? Top
Did the colonists under George Washington have some measure of skill or technological advancement that set their guns apart from the British during the Revolutionary War? Thanks very much.
Open Question: Would you like to see milliband in charge or does it really matter who leads the labour party? Top
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-10752133 oh unite hmm one remembers them they caused a few headlines a while back not exactly a glowing reccommendation. Anyway surely there must be someone with more oomph shall one say.
Open Question: All Member Of The 20 July plot Also Lots Of Information? Top
Open Question: Are the YA moderators a waste of space? Top
No doubt this question will be deleted long before they delete any more anti-English rants from Jessy James or one of his many aliases, but I would like to know what types of controls YA place on the questions that are posted on their boards. It seems to me that you can post anything you like unless it is anti-muslim. Then it gets whipped off quicker than slick. I don't know how much they pay their mods, but judging on the questions they let through, it is too much. Edit: Sorry Davie, I realise this is not a political question as such, but it is in politics because that is the forum that the resident troll uses and where most people see his activities.
Open Question: Why is it when you question the US, or disagree with them, you are suddenly a hater of the US? Top
For the land of the free, home of freedom of expression, they are particularly paranoid about being questioned or having somebody disagree with them. Are the citizens of the USA just bred paranoid, is it a national psychosis, or does Y!A just attract the the less stable of USA citizens - the exceptions (and you know who you are) prove the rule? I don't hate the USA, I just think that you can give no country or leader or peoples carte blanche. Your considered thoughts, please.
Resolved Question: What Is This Quote Off A Military Film? Top
"I don't think you will see you're wife and children again"


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